Friday, December 5, 2008

For New Visitors...

What to expect when you come for your first visit:

We love having new visitors at Grace! Usually every week we have someone that is there for the very first time. Because a visit to a new church can be awkward, we thought it might be nice to have some idea what to expect so you feel at home.

1) Our normal worship services are about 1 hour and 15 minutes long. Child care and Nursery is ALWAYS provided. There is a computerized check in and check out procedure, so you will need to "log in" and check in at the children's desk. (Our "Kid City" staff will help you!). There is a nursing mom's room as well (ask an usher for directions).

2) Dress ranges from jeans and t-shirts to ties and dress clothing - it's up to you. Everyone in Florida tends to be a bit less formal than "up north" and we really don't get hung up on that stuff.

3) The first part of our meeting is "praise and worship" where a mix of old and new songs will be presented by our worship team and the congregation (i.e. audience) will join in.

4) We usually have a time to meet and greet people. We don't normally have you stand or introduce yourself because we don't want to embarass you in any way. If you would, we'd love it if you would fill out a visitor's slip in the bulletin (the program you get at the door from our ushers). Drop the filled out slip in the offering plate when it goes by. No salesman will call... it is to help us know who you are and give you a chance to share any needs you may have!

5) The heart of our service is a stirring teaching from the Bible. If you don't have one, there are Bibles under the chairs in front of you (paper back editions). Our Pastor normally teaches from the New American Standard Bible, because our Bible Institute students use it, and it is very precise. If you brought another version, that's fine... you'll catch on with the reading at the beginning of Pastor's message.

Thanks for visiting. If there is anything we can do to make your time here better, let us know. We feel privileged to be a part of a great community, and we're glad you came!

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